Expanding in Georgia With Hiring of Paula Feldman and Eric Nease

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Trooper Smith

Regional Business Development Lead

We’ve expanded our water/wastewater capabilities for clients throughout Georgia and the Southeast United States by hiring Paula Feldman, PE and Eric Nease, PE.

Feldman and Nease, who owned Engineered Horizons, will lead our East Coast water/wastewater master planning and modeling team.

Feldman, with 25 years of experience, specializes in water and wastewater infrastructure planning, including forecasting of future needs, water supply planning, hydraulic modeling, asset management and business case evaluations. Working at the local and regional levels, she has developed long-range plans to optimize investments in infrastructure to address growth, maintenance, rehabilitation and operations.

Feldman earned her master’s degree in environmental engineering and bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

Nease has 27 years of experience focused mainly on water and wastewater hydraulic modeling and master planning, capacity evaluation, demand and flow forecasting, and water supply development throughout the Southeast. He has worked with clients to better understand how their systems work and to develop solutions for improvements that meet multiple goals as efficiently as possible. He also has helped clients find an acceptable balance between infrastructure desires and available funding.

Nease received his master’s degree in environmental engineering and his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Georgia Tech.

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Trooper Smith, PE, DBIA, ENV SP, is a Principal/Vice President serving the Jacksonville and Orlando markets.