David Munn Hired to Lead Southeast Texas Treatment Group

Please welcome David Munn, PE, our new Group Manager for Southeast Texas Water and Wastewater Treatment. David has extensive experience in the design and construction of water and wastewater treatment facilities to provide innovative solutions for municipal and industrial clients.
Over 17 years, he has managed multidisciplinary teams for water and wastewater treatment projects in South Texas and Louisiana. His experience includes designing facilities to treat and transfer both water and wastewater for municipal and industrial customers.
“David stands out with an overwhelmingly positive reputation for performing and executing treatment projects in the Greater Houston market,” said Jeff Taylor, Southeast Division Manager. “He is passionate about providing the most-reliable, highest-quality results for our clients, and he is dedicated to instilling that same work ethic in his younger team members.”
David has worked with municipalities, public entities and water authorities, including the City of Houston, North Harris County Regional Water Authority, West Harris County Regional Water Authority and the San Jacinto River Authority.
His projects include:
- Management of the City of Houston’s Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution Sustainability Contract, helping to optimize and sustain the reliability and quality of the city’s drinking water
- Rehabilitation and improvement of the City of Houston’s largest surface water treatment plant, the 350-MGD East Water Purification Plant
- Preliminary design of a raw water pump station, pipeline and canal to transfer raw water from the Trinity River to Lake Houston through the Luce Bayou Interbasin Transfer Project (LBITP)
- Design of portions of the San Jacinto River Authority’s new surface water treatment plant as part of a program to supply potable, treated water to wholesale customers throughout Montgomery County
David has held leadership roles in the Southeast Chapter of the Texas Section of the American Water Works Association and was named its Young Engineer of the Year in 2015. He received his Master of Engineering degree from Texas A&M University and Bachelor of Science degree from Troy State University, now known as Troy University.