Are You Being Smart With Managing Your Water Supply?

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Jason Afinowicz

Water Resources Engineer

Are you being smart with how you’re managing your water supply?

As the demand and limited availability for water in Texas increase, the need for responsible management and consideration of sustainable alternatives also increase.

Join Marisa Flores-Gonzalez (Austin Water) as she discusses the implementation of the 100-Year Austin Water Forward plan, as well as Zach Huff (Tarrant Regional Water District) and Spandana Tummuri (Freese and Nichols) sharing their experiences developing the first Aquifer Storage and Recovery Demonstration Study in North Texas.

Austin Water Forward 

On Nov. 29, 2018, Austin City Council unanimously approved the Water Forward Integrated Water Resource Plan, a 100-year plan to ensure accessibility to water far into the future without taking water from another community. Water Forward is the first plan in Texas to incorporate climate change into its future projections. Key strategies found in the plan include Aquifer Storage and Recovery, alternative water ordinances and incentives, smart meters, nonrevenue water reduction, and landscape transformation ordinances and incentives.

Tarrant Regional Water District’s Aquifer Storage Recovery

TRWD is currently exploring ASR as a potential strategy in its water supply system. TRWD will discuss how the district serves water to customers, and how it evaluates meeting future needs TRWD will describe how the district has conducted multiple ASR studies over the last two decades in a stepwise fashion that has led to its current pilot project. Finally, TRWD will cover the goals of the current project and where it is with the study.

When: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, May 2
Where: Freese and Nichols Austin Office
10431 Morado Circle, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78759
Or Watch via: Skype
Credit: 2 PDH Credits

Cost: Free
Presenters: Jason Afinowicz, PE; Freese and Nichols
Spandana Tummuri, PhD, PE, ENV SP, Freese and Nichols
Marisa Flores-Gonzalez, Austin Water
Zach Huff, PE, Tarrant Regional Water District


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Jason Afinowicz, P.E., is a Water/Wastewater Planning Practice Leader in Houston.