Connect With Us at TPWA’s One-Day Education Seminar
Registration is open for the Texas Public Works Association – North Central Texas Branch annual One Day Education Seminar on Nov. 14 in Richardson, Texas. We hope you can attend, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our presentations below:
Title: Keeping the Stream Green: Biotechnical Streambank Stabilization in the City of Mansfield
Time: 11-11:50 a.m.
Presenter: Wylie Gorup, EIT, CFM and Howard Redfearn, PE (City of Mansfield)
Track: Inspection/Stormwater (Heights Room)
Summary: The City of Mansfield took an innovative biotechnical approach to streambank stabilization on Hogpen Branch, mitigating erosion while minimizing downstream impacts. This presentation will review a case study of the project including initial erosion assessments, design and construction considerations, and the benefits of a biotechnical solution versus traditional hard armor techniques.
Title: City of Irving – Delaware Creek Drainage Improvements
Time: 2:45–3:35 p.m.
Presenter: Justin Oswald, PE, CFM and Wayne Lee, PE (City of Irving)
Track: Inspection/Stormwater (Heights Room)
Summary: A series of channel improvements to resolve flooding issues along Delaware Creek in Irving, Texas has been under design and construction since 2012, with a total estimated construction cost of $50 million. This presentation will give an overview of the flooding problem, describe the alternative selection process, and provide an update on the construction progress.
Title: Risk-Based Prioritization for Renewal of Richardson’s Pumping and Storage Facilities
Time: 2:45- 3:35 p.m.
Presenter: Sam Meisner, PE and Hunter Stevens (City of Richardson)
Track: Safety/Regulations/Asset Management (East Conference Room)
Summary: Richardson executed a plan to evaluate pumping and ground storage tank assets. The discussion will be on applying condition assessments and criticality evaluations, and the solutions considered to manage risk within the water system. The result is a tool allowing prioritization of rehabilitation work and matching to budget categories.