National Watershed and Stormwater Conference: Proactive Protection
Adhering to social distancing protocols enacted to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Center for Watershed Protection’s 2020 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference originally scheduled to be held in Austin, Texas, has moved to an online format. Please visit the conference website for more information.
The virtual conference is scheduled for April 14-16. The presentations will center around increasing the resiliency of our communities in response to emerging and persistent threats to our water resources. Freese and Nichols hopes you’ll tune in to the conference and join us for our presentation:
What: Proactive Protection – The Upper Langham Creek Frontier Program
Who: Cory Stull, PE, CFM, GISP; Ashley Poe, PE, CFM; and Jonathan St. Romain, PE (Harris County Flood Control District)
When: 9–9:30 a.m. CT Thursday, April 16 (Concurrent Sessions 7)
Where: Zoom Room 1 – Watershed Planning & Implementation (III)
Why: Understanding the value of a regional flood mitigation strategy, the Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) created the Upper Langham Creek Frontier Program. The program has successfully implemented an alternative planning and funding process, which identifies and secures sufficient right-of-way to accommodate the future floodplain, instead of reacting to flooding impacts associated with an encroached floodplain. Our presentation will teach audiences the logistics and benefits of proactively developing infrastructure using an impact fee-based program. We will also summarize how the program has evolved to respond to unique flooding challenges, changes to rainfall data and new regulations adopted after Hurricane Harvey.