Selina Brandon Advises on Virtual Meetings in APWA Magazine
Selina Brandon, a Water Resource Design engineer in Houston active in the American Public Works Association, provided advice for professional groups using virtual meetings to stay engaged in the December issue of the APWA Reporter national magazine.
Selina is Young Professionals Chair for the APWA Texas Chapter and belongs to the national YP Committee.
She assessed the pros of virtual meetings, such as low budget needs, time savings and better access for mobility-challenged attendees, and the cons, including less spontaneity, internet disruptions and potential issues with keeping participants engaged.
“Virtual meetings have become an integral part of ‘maintaining the rhythm’ of public works and will most likely remain as we plan meetings going forward,” she wrote. “While the cons to these virtual meetings can put strain on any organizer, many of the benefits that virtual meetings provide may be too valuable to lose as we transition into a new normal during and after this pandemic.”
Read the full article here: “Maintaining the Rhythm” Through Virtual Meetings.