Time to Renew Texas Industrial Stormwater Runoff Permit
The Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) TXR050000 regulates the discharge of stormwater runoff associated with industrial activities. The 2021 renewed MSGP for industrial facilities takes effect Aug. 14, 2021, and existing permittees must renew their authorization by Nov. 12.
Does this apply to you?
You are required to obtain coverage under MSGP TXR050000 if you are a regulated industrial sector and discharge stormwater associated with industrial activity into stormwater conveyances (e.g., gutters, streets, ditches) or into surface water in the state (e.g., streams, ponds, lakes, wetlands).
If all industrial activities and materials are isolated from rain, snow, snowmelt and/or runoff by storm-resistant shelters, you might be eligible for a conditional no exposure exclusion.
What do you need to do?
Existing permittees have until Nov. 12, 2021, to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) or No Exposure Certification (NEC) form to renew their stormwater coverage, as applicable. Changes to the MSGP may also require updates to your monitoring procedures and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3).
Key Changes to MSGP TXR050000 include:
Updated Electronic Reporting Requirements
- NOIs for authorization must be submitted online unless you have an electronic reporting waiver.
- All reporting must be submitted online via NetDMR.
- Delegation of Signatory Authority forms must be submitted through STEERS.
Changes to Monitoring Benchmark Values and Effluent Limitations
- For Sector T industries, the Benchmark Value for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is lowered to 15 mg/L (from 20 mg/L).
- For Sector U industries, the Benchmark Value for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is lowered to 50 mg/L (from 100 mg/L).
Changes that may affect coverage or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)
- Rubber, Plastic Product and Manufacturing Facilities (including facilities handling pre-production plastic) must implement good housekeeping measures and BMPs to eliminate plastic in stormwater.
- Rain gauges are required on-site.
- Sector J facilities must implement BMPs for off-site vehicle tracking of sediment, generation of dust, and dewatering activities.
For assistance with obtaining authorization under the renewed MSGP, or for more specific information about compliance with the MSGP, contact Katie Leatherwood, PG, 817-735-7503 or katie.leatherwood@freese.com.