Meet our 2019 Super Summer Interns

We think our interns and co-ops are already super. But we asked them if they could have any superpower, what would it be and why.

Daniel Tramel

Group: Mechanical/Plumbing
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Teleportation. I wouldn’t have to commute so far to work!

Dan Christiansen

Group: Construction
Office: Field/Dallas
Superpower: Shapeshifting. It would leave endless opportunities and give me the chance to experience the world from just about any perspective.

Jewel LeBlanc

Group: Marketing
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Super speed. It has multiple uses and it’s just plain cool.

Joanna Quiah

Group: North Carolina Engineering
Office: Raleigh
Superpower: To make someone yodel. I always thought it would be funny if someone were to stand up during a quiet lecture, or KD were to just drop the ball in the middle of a game, and yodel for no reason.

Jose Torres Vazquez

Group: Electrical
Office: San Antonio
Superpower: Mind powers. The whole telekinetic/telepathic deal. That way if I’m at home watching a movie but can’t reach the popcorn, I can grab it with my mind. Boom.

Kristin Williamson

Group: Master Planning
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Super intelligence. I love to learn new skills, pick up different hobbies, and solve problems. Super intelligence would allow me to do all of these things faster and with more enjoyment!

Madison Jones

Group: Master Planning
Office: Pearland
Superpower: To breathe underwater because I love being in the ocean and in any kind of water. Plus it would have made swimming competitively a lot easier.

Marissa Cole

Group: Treatment
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Telekinesis. It’d be fun to move things around and it’d make life a lot easier.

Mira Sharma

Group: Master Planning
Office: Pearland
Superpower: If I could have a superpower it would be to teleport. Not necessarily travel around the world, but up to 15 miles so I don’t have to drive to work or walk to class.

Parker Kallman

Group: Stormwater
Office: Austin
Superpower: The power of Thor. Who wouldn’t want to be able to fly around and call down lightning whenever they wanted?

Phimvaly Sarawichitr

Group: Mechanical/Plumbing
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Luck

Renee Raines

Group: Treatment, Transmission and Utilities
Office: Austin
Superpower: The ability to speak any language.

Robert Parr

Group: Construction
Office: Houston
Superpower: The power of teleportation. I could go on a vacation every weekend or even every evening. Oh, and the power to bring a couple friends along.

Andrea Meier

Group: Master Planning
Office: Dallas
Superpower: All-seeing through time and space so I could solve ancient mysteries by direct observation, know what the world will look like, and explore the far reaches of the universe, just by using my mind.

Andrew Lu

Group: Treatment
Office: Pearland
Superpower: Teleportation. Not only would this eliminate the need to sit and drive through the heavy traffic, but it would allow for endless opportunities to travel.

Andrew Wong

Group: Water Resource Design
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Invisibility

Anne Marie Gingery

Group: Mechanical
Office: Austin
Superpower: Teleportation so that I could save money on travel and maybe make it to class on time.

Argali Moctezuma

Group: Electrical
Office: San Antonio
Superpower: Super speed because I would never have to worry about oversleeping or be late to anything again.

Baylee Beatty

Group: Architecture
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Teleportation, because I could go anywhere I want without having to waste hours of traveling time!

Ben Miller

Group: Master Planning
Office: Raleigh
Superpower: Ability to turn into a dog at any time. 1. Who doesn’t like a good doggo? 2. So sleeping, eating, and playing with other dogs are all top priorities.

Christian Douglas

Group: Transportation
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Teleportation because gas is expensive.

Claire Schneider

Group: Transportation and Utilities
Office: Frisco
Superpower: Teleportation, so that I could see and travel to more places in the world.

Hailey Mueller Lavigne

Group: Master Planning
Office: Pearland
Superpower: To will traffic lights to turn green. It’s a small enough super power that would make my day-to-day so much better, but without superhero implications.

Chase Kurtz

Group: Oklahoma Engineering
Office: Oklahoma City
Superpower: Ability to control the weather so I could have the perfect weather for every occasion. 95 degree football games tend to be not as fun as the 70 degree ones!

Abby Phillips

Group: Environmental/Coastal
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Time travel

Katherine Deegan

Group: Treatment, Transmission and Utilities
Office: San Marcos
Superpower: Pausing time

Gage Guffy

Group: Master Planning
Office: Fort Worth
Superpower: Pass a calculus test.


See Also: 

  • Summer 2019 Interns Assemble