Annie Vest Gets NW Missouri State Spotlight

Freese and Nichols Mitigation and Disaster Planning Lead Annie Vest has parlayed her undergraduate degree in Psychology and Disaster Management into a career helping communities build resilience.

A planner with national experience, she joined our Tulsa office in May and is leading our hazard mitigation and disaster recovery planning services and supporting clients in identifying and pursuing mitigation funding solutions through her in-depth knowledge of FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities, and Flood Mitigation Assistance programs.

Annie’s alma mater, Northwest Missouri State University, has featured her in an alumni profile: First emergency management graduate advancing career with help of Northwest experiences

In 2010, Annie was the first graduate of what has developed into Northwest’s emergency and disaster management program, which has become one of the top programs of its kind in the United States.

Annie also serves in national leadership roles as Vice President of the National Hazard Mitigation Association and a Subject Matter Expert to the Department of Homeland Security Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency, Resilient Investment Planning, and Development Working Group.