Legislators Commemorate Freese and Nichols’ 125th Anniversary

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Freese and Nichols

Freese and Nichols’ 125th anniversary was formally honored this month by the Texas Legislature and the Tarrant County Commissioners Court.

During the legislative session Wednesday, May 22, Sen. Beverly Powell presented Senate Resolution 737 on the Senate floor, and Rep. Craig Goldman presented House Resolution 1221 on the House floor. The resolutions recognize Freese and Nichols for playing “a significant role in the development and prosperity of the Lone Star State,” noting our firm’s long history of developing critical infrastructure and contributing to our communities.

Pictured at the Texas Capitol are Sales Manager Charley Mock, CEO Brian Coltharp, Business Development Coordinator Christine Jacoby and Account Director Stan Lynch, who represented Freese and Nichols at the ceremony.


Earlier this month, Tarrant County Commissioners paid tribute to Freese and Nichols with a resolution commemorating our anniversary. Pictured are Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley, Charley Mock, Freese and Nichols Chairman Bob Pence, Brian Coltharp and Stan Lynch. Freese and Nichols has been headquartered in Tarrant County ever since John Hawley founded our firm in 1894.


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