Melissa Brunger Appointed as AWWA Division Trustee

Melissa Brunger will continue sharing her expertise nationally as Trustee for AWWA’s Engineering and Constructing Division.

Melissa Brunger, the Lead Technical Professional for our Water/Wastewater Planning Group, has been appointed Engineering and Constructing Division Trustee for the American Water Works Association (AWWA), which shows continuing national recognition of her expertise.

Melissa specializes in hydraulic modeling and GIS integration for master planning, asset management, CIP development and water quality studies. Her appointment as trustee reflects her commitment to the industry and dedication to furthering its advancements.

AWWA has eight divisions and more than 60 committees, one of which Melissa previously chaired.

In her new role, Melissa will report to the Technical and Educational Council (TEC), one of six councils within the organization. She will collaborate with the other Division Trustees and act as a liaison between the Engineering and Constructing Division and the Engineering Modeling Applications Committee (EMAC), which she recently led.

Melissa will also be responsible for participating in the annual conference and any specialty conferences sponsored by the Division, including the Water Infrastructure Conference.

Her role as Division Trustee will be pivotal in guiding the Division toward its objectives while aligning with AWWA’s mission.

“I’ve enjoyed getting involved in different positions for AWWA, and I look forward to continuing my involvement with the organization and providing relevant information for those who want to learn how to shape the future of the water industry,” Melissa said.

She chaired EMAC starting in 2020. During her three-year term, she organized special topics sessions, developed webinars on water modeling and master planning and oversaw three subcommittees. She also led the revision of AWWA’s manual of best practices for modeling, the Manual Practice of M32, and assisted with the water model calibration textbook, the basis for water model calibration.

“Melissa is a nationally recognized expert in water distribution system hydraulic modeling; she’s presented at multiple national and state conferences,” said Mazen Kawasmi, Group Manager for W/WW Master Planning – North Texas. “She has earned the trust and respect of AWWA.”

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