Michael L. Nichols Client Service Award: Augusto Villalon

Congratulations to Augusto Villalon, Account Director, Austin, for receiving this year’s Michael L. Nichols Client Service Award.

Augusto works across multiple divisions and geographies, most notably with Freese and Nichols Stormwater, Water Resources Planning, Water Resources Design, and Coastal Practices throughout Texas and Louisiana. Augusto has a unique talent for understanding our clients’ needs and implements strategic actions to develop relationships and formulate successful pursuits.

Augusto is the one “behind the scenes” helping Freese and Nichols successfully win and execute projects, and rarely, if ever, puts himself in the spotlight. He is quick to engage younger employees and connect them with appropriate client staff to start long-lasting relationships and is a mentor to Freese and Nichols employees at all levels.

He has assisted with short-list presentations, account plans, opportunity plans and has established key relationships with both clients and teaming partners. In addition, Augusto serves as the client representative for the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), one of the firms most strategic accounts in the Central Region. He was also instrumental in developing a strong relationship with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LaDOTD) to secure a major contract win and is actively involved with a number of other strategic accounts within the firm.

Augusto effectively helps clients solve their problems by building a genuine and caring relationship.

Mike Nichols remarks on Augusto receiving this year’s award:
​​​​​​​’Augusto totally understands the client service aspect of our business, has a great deal of existing relationships with our client base and is extremely personable. My appreciation of his abilities continued to grow as I had the opportunity to work with him. And maybe most importantly he was a good fit with the FNI culture and our focus on client service.”

Jim Keith, Stormwater Engineer, Dallas, nominated Augusto for this year’s award:
“Augusto has a unique talent for understanding our clients’ needs and building strategic teams to develop true project partnerships. He cares about everyone he meets, from clients to team members, stakeholders to the random stranger on the street. I have learned so much about client service from Augusto, he has been a true friend and mentor to me, and I am so proud to see him win this award!”

Freese and Nichols established the Michael L. Nichols Client Service Award to recognize outstanding service in internal or external client development. This award exemplifies our LEADS values of “Delivery Quality and Serve Always” as we serve our clients with respect and dedication by adding value and exceling in all we do.