Clients, Contracts and Partners
Our federal clients can rely on us to manage a project at a single installation or execute work for their nationwide programs. We are well-versed in executing IDIQ contracts, including Multiple Award Task Order Contracts (MATOCs) and Single Award Task Order Contracts (SATOCs).
Additionally, we have a history of working with small businesses and have a deep commitment to our national mentor-protégé program.
Some of the federal entities we have worked with are listed below.

Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Southwestern Division (SWD)
- Fort Worth District
- Galveston District
- Tulsa District
Mississippi Valley Division (MVD)
- New Orleans District
- St. Louis District
South Atlantic Division (SAD)
- Jacksonville District
- Mobile District
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), continued
Great Lakes and Ohio River Division (LRD)
- Huntington District
South Pacific Division (SPD)
- Albuquerque District
- Los Angeles District
- Sacramento District
Northwestern Division (NWD)
- Omaha District
Other Departments and Organizations
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Fish and Wildlife Services
International Boundary and Water Commission
Natural Resource Conservation Service
Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) – Mid-Atlantic