Ecosystem Restoration

Our team is passionate about engineering with nature, working to implement natural solutions where feasible. We pursue solutions that work with ecological and geomorphological processes, require less direct maintenance over time, and cost less than traditional hard structures. Some of our more recent experiences include the largest compensatory mitigation project in the history of the Section 404 program; a federal mega-study to restore and protect much of the Texas coast; an oyster-reef living shoreline; and an award-winning tidal restoration project.

  • Living shorelines to protect resources and infrastructure
  • Stream restoration and wetland mitigation projects to offset project impacts
  • Wetland and floodplain restoration for water quality maintenance, flood abatement or nutrient retention
  • Bird nesting islands for conservation and resilience of declining species
  • Hydrological restoration
  • Plastics Remediation services
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Bahia Grande Rookery Island and Wetland Restoration

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Bois d’Arc Lake Mitigation Plan (Riverby Ranch)

North Texas Municipal Water District

Middendorf Springs Wetland and Stream Restoration

North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services

Toledo Bend Shoreline Erosion

Toledo Bend Project Joint Operation, Texas and Louisiana

Magnolia Inlet Restoration

Texas A&M University