Innovative Water Supplies/Reuse
Innovative Water Supplies/Reuse
With increasing demand for clean water, traditional sources have given way to a broader focus on innovative water management strategies that consider reuse, desalination, groundwater storage and other options. Drawing upon the expertise of our water, wastewater and stormwater teams, Freese and Nichols helps communities provide a secure water supply through customized, innovative solutions. We assist with planning, design, water rights, environmental permits and state financing.
- Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR): Led numerous planning studies and designs to deliver safe and effective augmentation of drinking water supplies using Indirect Potable Reuse.
- Direct Potable Reuse (DPR): Designed, permitted and started up the first DPR facility in North America.
- Water Reuse Planning: Assisted with dozens of evaluations and implementations of water reuse as a supplemental source.
- Upgrades: Extended operation of the second DPR project in North America through addition of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection.
- Seawater Desalination: Served as owner representative for the first municipal seawater desalination plant in Texas.
- Brackish Groundwater Desalination: Evaluated and piloted nanofiltration membranes as an energy-efficient alternative to reverse osmosis membranes for brackish groundwater desalination.
- Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR): Led a drinking water well prototype, including design, permitting support, construction, water quality evaluation, infrastructure configuration and testing.

Project Gallery
Desalination Siting, Permitting and Owner’s Representation
City of Corpus Christi, Texas